Submit your problems for a quote

You can either e-mail or fax your problems (fax number is sent upon request). You can attach your problems as a Word, Excel or pdf document, or any format of your preference.

Please, make sure you provide us with the following information:

  • Your deadline and any other information required to proceed with the problems

  • If any, the name and author of the textbook that you use

  • Any specific formatting requirement for your set of problems

We strive to provide you with the best prices in the market. We can guarantee we can compete with almost any other calculus help service, but our emphasis is put in the quality. We could get cheaper tutors, but we won’t because we want to deliver high quality only.

Paypal Payments accepted

Send your problems for a free quote. You have nothing to lose, and we’ll be glad to send you a quote with our low prices.

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